
Friday, August 24, 2012


My kidling leaves for college tomorrow. Very exciting for her, but very sad for us! She has been counting down the days until she starts college. I'm glad she's excited and ready to go. That makes it a little easier on us. We will be "empty nesters" a friend told me this week. Yikes! Where does the time go? I remember her starting kindergarten like it was just a few years ago. We have been very busy this summer shopping, getting her things ready and just spending time together. It's been a fun summer, but it sure flew by fast. Wahhh!

Some exciting and fun news will be coming tonight- so come back later tonight or this weekend to see what you could win!

1 comment:

  1. Our oldest is a junior and the youngest is a senior. They grow up too fast....! We are having so much fun watching who they are becoming. Enjoy empty nesting! My husband and I are just starting to experience the new freedom.
